
A Conceptual Machine Learning Primer, Part 2

On the second and final part of this conceptual introduction to Machine Learning (ML), I’ll discuss its relationship with other areas (like Data Science) and describe what I perceive as a common theme among many of the ML algorithms. Emphasis on “what I perceive”: don’t take this as the truth.

A Conceptual Machine Learning Primer, Part 1

“Machine Learning” is not just a buzzword — arguably, it is two. Almost everybody seems to be using Machine Learning (ML) in a way or another, and those who aren’t are looking forward to use it. Sounds like a good topic to know about. I did some nice Neural Network stuff with some colleagues in school in the late 90s1. Maybe I could just brag that I have nearly 20 years of experience in the field, but this would not be exactly an honest statement, as I didn’t do much ML since then.

Anyway, this is a fun, useful and increasingly important field, so, I guess it is time to do some ML for real. Here’s the first set of notes about my studies, in which I present some important concepts without getting into specific algorithms.